
We are the only literacy service available to adult non-readers and children struggling to read in Stokes and eastern Surry Counties. We offer free, private, confidential tutoring to anyone who would like to learn how to read.

We offer a free training program to prepare volunteers and we provide ongoing support when a tutor’s work with a student begins. The first portion of the tutor training is done online and takes about 5 hours to complete. A tutor generally spends 1-2 hours a week with their student once instruction begins.

Call Jeff Pratt at 336-816-7758 or email him at for more information.


 To expand during the next several years by:

  1. Continuing high-quality instruction for tutors and students.
  2. Creating partnerships with various local agencies to develop and support literacy programs.
  3. Providing service to the justice system.
  4. Developing a program of support for struggling primary readers in partnership with Stokes County Schools.
  5. Developing summer and after-school programs for struggling readers.


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